Zara Cadoux, PhD., student in American Studies, New York University. Her project is titled “We Knew It Had To Be Worker-Led”: Understanding the Amazon Labor Union Win.
Danny Spitzberg, Editor & Researcher at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. His project is titled “A New Video Archive of Oral Histories from Tech and Labor Organizing, 1960–2022.”
Anna Barcy, Program Officer, Fundraising and Coalition Development at New Labor. Her project is titled “From Passion to Power: Labor Organizing in the U.S. and Korean Video Game Industries.”
Jiyoon Park, PhD Candidate at the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University. His project is titled “From Passion to Power: Labor Organizing in the U.S. and Korean Video Game Industries.”
Victor Yengle, PhD Candidate at the School of Management and Labor Relations, University of Virginia. His project is titled “U.S. Farmworker Organizing: Fissuring, Supply Chain Relationships, and Rise of H-2A.”